HOA Packet Coordinator

Practical Job Description:

Woodbine Home Owner’s Association shall provide a packet of information to parties purchasing property within Woodbine prior to or at time of property sale. This packet includes the following items:

  1. Disclosure Statement (with seal)
  2. Business card
  3. FAQ
  4. Welcome Letter
  5. Directory Update Form
  6. Newsletter
  7. Directory
  8. Financial Statement
  9. Voluntary Covenants
  10. By-law Amendments
  11. By-laws specific to Woodbine Section

The Coordinator’s job is to assemble the packet, check with the Treasurer on the status of the property’s HOA dues, receive or coordinate with the Treasurer the payment of the packet, and mail HOA packet to person requesting the packet.

Time commitment:

Approximately .5-1 hour to assemble and mail each packet to requesting party. Packet quantities vary, and most are requested during the springtime where the highest volume of houses in the neighborhood turn over.

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