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Yearly Archives: 2009
StormwaterSpecial Assessment Vote Results
November 5, 2009 – 3:40 AM
Hi Everyone,
We have counted and re-counted all of the votes received, and are now able to share with you the results of the special assessment vote. We were able to reach (and even exceed) quorom, and the assessment has passed with 81% in favor.
Our next step is meeting with the contractors and Lee Hixon from the town to review the designs and finalize the details. We have had the first of these meetings already, and are hopeful that they can be finalized soon so we can get construction started as soon as possible.
I will send more updates on the process as they become available. Thanks to everyone who took the time to ask questions, send in comments, and be a part of this process. And special thanks to everyone who put in their vote!
Best Regards,
Rachel Gabriele
President, WHOA
Voting Information
October 9, 2009 – 8:54 PM
This notice is to remind you of our special assessment vote on Saturday, October 17th at 10:00-11:00am at the main playground. The board has voted to allow proxy voting by mail, fax, or email as well. For this vote to be valid, we must have 60% of homeowners voting (103 households), so I encourage you to vote via whatever method is most convenient for you. Please note, there is only one vote allowed per household.
Below is a summary of your choices. For more information on the capital improvements, you can visit our blog with the plans at : and contact us with any questions at:
A yes vote means you are in favor of paying a special one-time assessment of $100 for capital improvements to our path to help remedy ongoing stormwater damage and continually improve the path. The funds from this assessment can only be used towards this purpose. This fee will be payable by February 1, 2010. If approved, construction on the path will be commenced as soon as possible, and will take approximately one week.
A “no” vote means that you oppose paying the special assessment of $100 for capital improvements to our path to alleviate ongoing stormwater damage. If this vote does not pass, no capital improvements will be made to our path system.
To vote in person, please fill out, sign and tear off the statement below and deliver it in person to the main playground on Saturday, October 17th between 10:00-11:00am. If you do not have this statement with you, copies will be available for you fill out at the playground.
Proxy voting is now open, and you may vote at any time.
To vote by proxy, please mail the signed statement below with your vote to:
PO Box 10682
Blacksburg, VA 24062
If you vote by mail, your vote must be postmarked by Saturday October 17th to be counted in Saturday’s vote.
You may also sign and fax this statement to: (540) 267-0013
All faxes must be received by Saturday, October 17th
or email this statement, typed exactly as it is stated here, from your personal email address, to:
All emails must be received by Saturday, October 17th
I [insert your full name here] residing at [insert your street address here], on this day [insert month, day here] 2009, vote [insert yes or no here] for the special assessment of $100 for capital improvements to our path.
If voting by mail or fax, please sign your vote.
Latest Trail Plans
September 29, 2009 – 5:39 PM
Attached are the revised plans, taking into account the feedback from Sunday’s meeting.
New trail plans
September 27, 2009 – 12:51 PM
Below are Lee Hixon’s latest plans for our trail improvement, to be presented at the picnic today.
Picnic Rescheduled
September 20, 2009 – 3:07 PM
The picnic has been rescheduled due to rain. The picnic will now be held next Sunday, 9/27, at 4pm.
Please look at the trail improvement plans linked in earlier blog posts and email me ( with any questions or concerns. If you know you will need to vote by proxy instead of at the 10/17 meeting please email me.
Upcoming Dates
September 11, 2009 – 12:45 PM
Our annual picnic will be at 4pm on Sunday, 9/20 at the main playground. We’ll have live music and BBQ, bring a side dish or dessert and drinks for your family. We’ll also vote on a Board for the upcoming year and discuss trail repair and an assessment to pay for it.
Information on the trail repair will also be distributed here and by email.
We will hold another meeting on Saturday 10/17 at 10am also at the main playground to vote on the assessment. Proxy voting will be available and information will again be distributed here and by email.
Picnic flier:
Woodbine Trail and Storm Water FAQ
September 11, 2009 – 12:37 PM
Why has the trail been flooded for most of the year?
In order to reduce the flooding to several of the Woodbine homes like that which occurred last year, the Maple Ridge Storm Water Pond has had the flow from it reduced to slow the flow through the Woodbine “blue way”/trail. With all the rain we received it has taken a long time for the pond to drain and so we have had a constant slow flow of water going down our pathway.
Why is the Town of Blacksburg or Maple Ridge not held responsible for the flooding?
Unfortunately the design/master plan for our entire neighborhood was engineered for the area where our path/trail goes to also be where the storm water flows. This has been an ongoing problem for over 20 years and only gets worse as there is more development upstream from us and as the “swells” in the “blue way” erode over time. Again, unfortunately there are not laws or restrictions that prohibit future development that will add to our water problems. It was amplified this year because of all the rain and having the flow from the Maple Ridge Pond slowed down to prevent more serious flooding. On the original neighborhood plan for Woodbine it clearly states that the maintenance and upkeep of the “blue way”/path is the responsibility of the Woodbine HOA (in other words, all of us who live in Woodbine).
Additionally, the Town of Blacksburg has awarded Woodbine a $2,000 grant to help fix the problem and they are also providing engineering services at no cost to help engineer a solution to the problem so our path will be usable 99% of the time.
Could we not give the path to the town so they would maintain it?
This is not an option. Woodbine is legally obligated to maintain at least 20% of the land as “common area.” If we gave up our blue way/path, we would fall well short of this 20% requirement.
Why can we not just leave it unfixed? We had a lot of rain this year, and it may not be a problem next year.
True, we did have above average amounts of rain this year, but the rainfall this year has not been “excessive,” it has been just above “normal.” So, while it may not happen next year, it is very likely to happen in most years. Plus, the constant flow of water is destroying the trail. This damage not only lowers property values, it poses a safety issue for everyone who walks the trail. It also poses liability issues for the Woodbine HOA.
Why not sue the Town or a developer?
The short answers are a) it would cost more than it would cost to fix the problem and b) we would lose. The Woodbine HOA has consulted legal counsel and that is not the direction we should go based on the feedback.
How much is this going to cost us?
With the $2,000 grant and the help from the Town we feel that with a one time assessment of $100 per household we will be able to fix the trail (the four or five sections where storm water needs to cross it), manage the storm water flow, and repave some of the more damaged areas of the trail. Once these improvements have been made we feel that the trail will be in much better condition for a much longer period of time.
When will this work be done?
Ideally we will get started on the project before the end of the year. We would like to have this problem solved and the trails/pathway usable for all of next year and the many years to come.
Due to the original design of Woodbine and our trail/pathway/”blue way” we need to do something so as to preserve one of the nicer assets of our community. This problem has existed for many years. As nice as it would be to have the Town or Maple Ridge pay for it, that is not going to happen. It is our responsibility and our problem to fix. This one time assessment will insure the future of our trail and improve the values of all of our homes and the quality of all of our lives.
Please feel free to pass on additional questions to the board and we will work with the town to provide answers.
Preliminary Storm Water Plan
September 11, 2009 – 12:30 PM
The Woodbine walking path has been underwater the majority of this spring and summer due to heavy rains and increased runoff from upstream subdivisions. Woodbine is working with the Town of Blacksburg to improve conditions and better handle storm water in our neighborhood. Below are the documents put together by Town Engineer Lee Hixon, presented at the June 30 meeting between the town and Woodbine homeowners.
Woodbine Meeting Summary: summary of the June 30 meeting.
Woodbine Presentation: Town Engineer Lee Hixon’s preliminary storm water plan. (Large download–powerpoint presentation.)
Proposed changes along the trail system:
(Large download – image file.)
We’re Back!
September 4, 2009 – 7:30 PM
Technical difficulties have left us blog-less for the last few months, but we’re now up and running again.
I believe I was able to preserve everything (posts/comments/users) in the transition but please let me know if anything goes awry.